Optical fiber amplifier is an important component for optical communication systems. Silicon rich nitride ring resonators for rare earth. Chapter 9 rare earth doped infraredtransmitting glass fibers 449 j. An analytical model for two, three, and fourlevel system rare earth doped fiber amplifiers and lasers is presented. Rare earth doped fibers for use in fiber lasers and amplifiers. Rareearthdoped fibre lasers typically supply a single wavelength in the range. With product ranges available offering polarization maintaining, bendinsensitive, rareearth doped, claddingpump and photosensitive fibers. The discovery of rare earth doped fiber amplifiers two decades ago resulted in the proliferation of the 10 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths in telecommunications 1, 2. The rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers can be modeled as three and fourlevel atomic systems. Worse, germanium is replaced by aluminum al 2 o 3 to reduce the effect of quenching and lifetime shortening 79. A brief introduction of rareearth doped fibers rareearth doped fiber is an. Osa nanoparticle doping for high power fiber lasers at eye.
It describes the principles, designs, and properties of the erbium doped fiber amplifier and its role as the cornerstone component in optical communication systems. Nov 11, 2008 this application relates to optical fibers including, for example, rare earth doped optical fibers and fibers with large effective area, which can be used for example in fiber lasers and amplifiers, as well as methods of making such fibers. Semiconductor optical waveguide amplifiers have high gain per unit length dbcm, but suffer from spatial and temporal gain pattering effects. Dec 23, 2004 experimental results based on rare earth doped fibers have impressively shown that fiber lasers and amplifiers are an attractive and power scalable solidstate laser concept. To find the maximum desired area of the core, it is more convenient to use the power threshold estimate equation for a laser. This application relates to optical fibers including, for example, rare earth doped optical fibers and fibers with large effective area, which can be used for example in fiber lasers and amplifiers, as well as methods of making such fibers. Fiber amplifier gain is expressed in terms of attenuation coefficients, intrinsic saturation powers, and crosssaturation powers at the pump and signal wavelengths. New high power rareearthdoped fiber laser materials and. Rareearth doped fiber is frequently used in fiber lasers, optical amplifiers, and ase sources.
Besides rare earth doped bulk crystals, also initially undoped substrates have been used for device fabrication. Highpower fiber lasers and amplifiers highpower fiber lasers and amplifiers tuennermann, andreas. It was volume 37 of this series of books on optical engineering. The theory is applicable to dopants such as erbium, neodymium, thulium. Rareearthdoped glass fibre lasers and amplifiers eprints. Introduction to pyfiberamp pyfiberamp is a rate equation simulation library for rareearthdoped fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers partly based on the giles model. Radiation effects expected for fiber laseramplifier rare. A consequence of this is that the upperstate lifetimes can be long, i. Rareearth doped optical fibers have captivated the interest of many researchers around the world. Gain saturation in optical fiber laser amplifiers intechopen. Rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers, second edition, revised and expanded download here.
An optical fiber typically comprises a central core surrounded by a cladding with lower refractive index. Rare earth doped optical fibers with multisection core. The vast majority of rareearthdoped fibers employ a uniform gain area overlapping with the circular core completely figure 1b. The large mode area decreases the therm al stress and nonlinearity dra wbacks arising. Silicon rich nitride ring resonators for rare earth doped. Highpower fiber lasers and amplifiers, proceedings of spie. What is important for 3level devices, such as these rareearthdoped fiber lasers, is the level of pump power density that can be created in the core, which defines the achievable inversion. However, bi doped fiber lasers and amplifiers are still far from their optimum performance owing to the unclear nature of the nearinfrared emitting bi active centers. Spie 7721, solid state lasers and amplifiers iv, and highpower lasers, 772106 17 may 2010. The conclusion is that hydrogen loading improves the photosensitivity of germaniumfree rareearthdoped fibers. Telecommunicationsgrade erbium doped fiber amplifiers edfas are a mature technology and several very good books have been written on the subject.
Us82758b2 rare earth doped and large effective area. Fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers by niloy k dutta nook. Er and yb single mode sm and large mode area lma fiber is available as well as polarizationmaintaining pm yb doped fiber. These ions absorb pump light, typically at a shorter wavelength than the laser or amplifier wavelength except in upconversion lasers, which excites them into some metastable levels. Rare earth doped fibers are doped with ions of rareearth elements to achieve high absorption and low loss in the visible and ir regions. It has applications as pre amplifiers, post amplifiers, and repeater amplifiers in evolving optical networks. Brezinski md, phd, in optical coherence tomography, 2006. Pyfiberamp is a rate equation simulation library for rareearthdoped fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers partly based on the giles model. Rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers second edition, revised and expandededited bymichel j. Digonnet and others published rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers find, read and cite all the research you. All of this is made possible by the unique performance attributes of rare earth doped silica fibers which is at the heart of each of. We describe recent advances in the field with particular attention to applications in telecommunications.
Rare earth doped and large effective area optical fibers. When grouped with rareearths, glass optical fibres provide the ideal amplifier and laser medium. A nanoparticle np doping technique was developed for fabricating erbium er and holmium hodoped silicabased optical fibers for high energy lasers. Rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers michel j. A nanoparticle np doping technique was developed for fabricating erbium er and holmium ho doped silicabased optical fibers for high energy lasers. Rare earth doped fibre lasers and amplifiers have been demonstrated at several wavelengths in the visible and near infrared regions. Rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers, revised and. The rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers can be modeled as three and. With over 30 years experience of the specialty optical fiber industry, fibercore ltd, the world leader in its field, is exclusively dedicated to the design, manufacture and commercialization of specialty fibers. This invaluable book provides a comprehensive treatment of design and applications of rareearthdoped fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers. Design of rare earth doped multicore fiber lasers and amplifiers. It describes the principles, designs, and properties of the erbiumdoped fiber amplifier and its role as the cornerstone component in optical communication systems. Selected papers on rareearthdoped fiber laser sources and.
Amplifiers exhibiting gains in excess of 50db can be made with a noise figure close to the quantum limit. It has applications as preamplifiers, postamplifiers, and repeater amplifiers in evolving optical networks. Several technical revolutions over the last ten years have led to the increasing use of rare earth doped fiber lasers and amplifiers as a key component of optical communication systems. Buy rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers, revised and expanded optical science and engineering on. Osa nanoparticle doping for high power fiber lasers at. Fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers are nearly always based on glass fibers which are doped with laser active rare earth ions normally only in the fiber core. The technologically most important rare earth doped fibers are erbium doped fibers for erbium doped fiber amplifiers edfa and ytterbium doped fibers for highpower fiber lasers and amplifiers. However, bidoped fiber lasers and amplifiers are still far from their optimum performance owing to the unclear nature of the nearinfrared emitting bi active centers. Rareearth doped fibre lasers and amplifiers for optical. Proceedings paper thermal stress anomaly in rareearthdoped fiber materials for highpower fiber lasers codoped with aluminum and phosphorus. Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of. Dutta presents students, academics, researchers, and professionals working in a variety of contexts with a comprehensive examination of the design and applications of rare earth doped fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers.
Selected papers on rareearthdoped fiber laser sources. Radiation effects expected for fiber laseramplifier rare earth doped optical fiber melanie ott sigma research and engineering nasa gsfc, parts, packaging and assembly technologies office march 26, 2004 1. They are typically used for amplification in fiber lasers or optical amplifiers. Us9151889b2 rare earth doped and large effective area.
Payne in fiber laser sources and amplifiers 1990 522 erbium doped fibre amplifiers with an extremely high gain coefficient of 11. When doped with rare earth elements, the fiber is given optical gain that enables light amplification. Digonnet, rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers. It describes the erbium doped fiber amplifier and its role as foundational in optical communication systems. The core of the fiber is doped with erbium and is typically pumped with 980 or 1480 nm to produce gain around 1550 nm cband or 1590 nm lband. It is more difficult to write bragg gratings in these fibers than in standard fibers. Fibercore offers a ytterbium doped, core pump fiber, df1100 for a 1060nm preamplifier and a full range of erbium doped fibers in the isogain range, but specifically i15980125hc offers a. Rareearthdoped fiber an overview sciencedirect topics. Slope efficiencies in excess of 74% were realized for er np doping in a single mode fiber based master oscillator power amplifier mopa and 53% with multiwattlevel output in a resonantly claddingpumped power oscillator laser. Depending on the fiber laser architecture, preamplifiers are often used to reduce the gain level required from the power amplifier in a mopa system. It describes the erbiumdoped fiber amplifier and its role as foundational in optical communication systems.
Analytical model for rareearthdoped fiber amplifiers and. Rare earth doped fibers are doped with ions of rare earth elements to achieve high absorption and low loss in the visible and ir regions. For a vast number of applications, such as fiber lasers and amplifiers, it is necessary to fabricate gratings in rareearthdoped fibers. Various embodiments described herein include rare earth doped glass compositions that may be used in optical fiber and rods having large core sizes. Conventional fiber lasers made with silica fiber, require meters of fiber length to generate powers up to 10 watts. It has now been a significant number of years since the first edition of rare earth doped fiber lasers and amplifiers was published in 1993 under the editorship of michel j. Challenges to further power scaling of eryb fiber amplifiers and lasers. Several technical revolutions over the last ten years have led to the increasing use of rare earthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers as a key component of optical communication systems. The index of refraction of the glass may be substantially uniform and may be close to that of silica in some embodiments. A discussion of the theories, operating characteristics, and current technology of main fiber laser and amplifier devices based on rareearthdoped silica and fluorozirconate fibers. This new edition is fully revised including new material on visible fluoride fiber lasers, singlefrequency fiber lasers, broadband fiber sources, qswitch fiber lasers, and rare earth doped infraredtransmitting glass fibers. Thermal stress anomaly in rareearthdoped fiber materials. In addition, fibre lasers have been demonstrated using various rareearths which give emission wavelengths spanning the region 400nm to 3.
All rareearthdoped gain media have in common that the pump and laser transitions are socalled weakly allowed transitions with fairly small oscillator strength. Rp photonics encyclopedia rareearthdoped fibers, erbium. This invaluable book provides a comprehensive treatment of design and applications of rare earth doped fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers. Buy rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers, revised and expanded optical science and engineering on free shipping on qualified orders. New rareearthdoped glass fiber lasers and amplifiers for 1. Based on ytterbium doped largemodearea doubleclad fibers, in the continuous regime, output powers approaching the kwrange with diffraction limited beam quality have been shown. Highpower fiber lasers and amplifiers, proceedings of. Aug 22, 2017 the discovery of rare earth doped fiber amplifiers two decades ago resulted in the proliferation of the 10 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths in telecommunications 1, 2. Dutta presents students, academics, researchers, and professionals working in a variety of contexts with a comprehensive examination of the design and applications of rare. Rareearth doped photonic crystal fibre lasers and amplifiers. They all use rare earth doped fibers as the gain medium for the device splice between two fibers. Jan 17, 2012 semiconductor optical waveguide amplifiers have high gain per unit length dbcm, but suffer from spatial and temporal gain pattering effects. Rare earthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers springerlink.
Based on ytterbiumdoped largemodearea doubleclad fibers, in. Ask rp photonics for any advice concerning the use of rareearthdoped fibers e. All rare earth doped gain media have in common that the pump and laser transitions are socalled weakly allowed transitions with fairly small oscillator strength. For example, rp photonics has sophisticated modeling software for simulating the performance of rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers. We offer fiber doped with erbium, ytteerbium, and neodymium to meet many photonics applications. A comprehensive analysis has been implemented using the set of coupled propagation rate equations based on the atomic energy structure of dopant as well as the. Giant optical gain in rareearthiondoped fiber amplifiers. Such optical fibers and rods may be employed in fiber lasers and amplifiers. Rareearth doped optical fibers, selected topics on optical fiber technology, moh. Fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers world scientific. For example, rp photonics has sophisticated modeling software for simulating the performance of rare earth doped fiber lasers and amplifiers. Rareearthdoped fiber amplifier article about rareearth. Payne in fiber laser sources and amplifiers 1990 522 erbiumdoped fibre amplifiers with an extremely high gain coefficient of 11. Jan 17, 2006 what is important for 3level devices, such as these rare earth doped fiber lasers, is the level of pump power density that can be created in the core, which defines the achievable inversion.
Threelevel airclad rareearth doped fiber laseramplifier. Rareearth doped fibers are doped with ions of rareearth elements to achieve high absorption and low loss in the visible and ir regions. Ask rp photonics for any advice concerning the use of rare earth doped fibers e. Rare earth doped and large effective area optical fibers for. Rareearthdoped fibre lasers and amplifiers eprints soton. Rare earth doped fiber lasers and amplifiers issuu. Rareearthdoped linbo3 waveguide amplifiers and lasers.
Rareearthdoped fibre lasers and amplifiers have been demonstrated at several wavelengths in the visible and near infrared regions. Active rare earth doped optical fiber rare earth doped fiber is frequently used in fiber lasers, optical amplifiers, and ase sources. This new edition is fully revised including new material on visible fluoride fiber lasers, singlefrequency fiber lasers, broadband fiber sources, qswitch fiber lasers, and rareearth doped infraredtransmitting glass fibers. Rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers, revised. A discussion of the theories, operating characteristics, and current technology of main fiber laser and amplifier devices based on rareearthdoped silica and. Rp photonics encyclopedia rareearthdoped gain media. Erbium doped fibers provide the basic building blocks for fiber optic amplifiers more specifically erbium doped fiber amplifiers edfas used in broadband optical networks and catv applications. Rare earth doped fibers can be used as amplified sources when they are pumped with a laser having a high powered, continuous output at an optical frequency slightly higher than that of the desired fiber output. The vast majority of rare earth doped fibers employ a uniform gain area overlapping with the circular core completely figure 1b. Rare earthdoped fibers an overview sciencedirect topics. The important distinction between the two arises from the terminating level of the amplifying transition.
Design of rare earth doped multicore fiber lasers and. Buy rare earth doped fiber lasers and amplifiers, revised and expanded optical science and engineering on free shipping on qualified orders. Simple continuouswave, gainswitched and qswitched fiber lasers. Get your kindle here, or download a free kindle reading app. The following table shows the most common laseractive ions and host glasses and also typical emission wavelength ranges of rare earth doped fibers. A discussion of the theories, operating characteristics, and current technology of main fiber laser and amplifier devices based on rare earth doped silica and fluorozirconate fibers. Rareearthdoped fiber lasers and amplifiers request pdf.
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